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Statistics Behind AI Art: How Many AI Art Images Have Been Created?

Updated: Aug 9

Explore the statistics surrounding AI art, including the awareness and utilization levels among individuals, as well as the platforms where it is currently most prevalent.

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Key Statistics of AI Art Generators

Leading AI Art Generators

AI Art Generator

Images Created

Stable Diffusion

12.6 billion


1.5 billion

Adobe Firefly

1 billion


964 million


916 million


16.98 billion

  • Adobe Firefly: Produced 1 billion AI-generated images by July 2023.

  • WOMBO Dream: The most popular mobile app with over 10 million downloads and 1.5 billion images generated.

  • Stable Diffusion: Created 12.6 billion AI images, making it the most popular AI art generator globally.

  • Midjourney: Generated 964 million AI images, with 17.5 million Discord members as of December 2023.

  • DALL-E: Used by 25% of U.S. marketers for AI image creation.

The overall total is much higher when you factor in daily use and other popular AI art generators such as Leonardo AI which boosts over 4 million active users.

On average, more than 34 million AI images are generated daily. The rapid growth of AI art platforms has resulted in close to 17 billion AI images created using text-to-image algorithms to date.

Market Share of Leading AI Art Generators in 2024


AI Art Generator

Market Share (%)











Starry AI



Stable Diffusion


Midjourney: The Popular AI Art Platform

Midjourney, launched in beta in July 2022, is accessible through Discord, where users can generate images based on text prompts. By December 2023, it had 17.5 million members on its Discord server, making it the most popular server on the platform. Google Trends also highlighted Midjourney's peak popularity in early February 2023.

DALL-E: OpenAI's Creation

DALL-E, developed by OpenAI, enables users to create unique images using natural language processing (NLP) prompts. Despite its paywall, it has over 1.5 million users globally, producing approximately 2 million artworks daily.

NightCafe: A Growing Platform

Founded in November 2019, NightCafe has created over 35 million AI-generated images as of October 2022. The platform had about 8.2 million visitors in December 2023, marking a 3.3% growth compared to the previous month.

The AI image-generating market is rapidly growing and is projected to be valued at $917.4 million by 2030, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 17.4%. As of 2022, the global AI image-generating market was valued at $257.1 million.

Source: Statista

Public Perception of AI Art in the United States



Have seen AI art


Enjoyed AI art


Did not enjoy it


While 65% of artists have used text-to-image AI to brainstorm new ideas, the impact of AI art on the artistic community is a topic of heated debate. (Playform) 74% of artists believe AI artwork to be unethical due to the lack of compensation or credit for artists whose work is used to train algorithms. (Book An Artist) Additionally, 76% of Americans don't believe that AI-generated art should be considered art, further fueling the controversy. (KOAA)

What is AI Art?

AI art refers to the creation of artistic works using advanced algorithms and machine learning models trained on vast datasets of existing artworks. These sophisticated systems analyze patterns, styles, and techniques, enabling them to generate unique and visually striking pieces that blend elements in innovative ways, challenging traditional artistic conventions.

AI Art in Creative Industries

The impact of AI art extends far beyond personal expression, with various creative industries embracing this technology to streamline workflows, enhance productivity, and unlock new creative possibilities:

1. Advertising and Marketing: AI-generated visuals are being utilized in ad campaigns, product mockups, and social media content, offering a cost-effective and efficient way to create visually appealing materials.

2. Graphic Design: AI art tools assist graphic designers in generating initial concepts, exploring color palettes, and experimenting with diverse styles, accelerating the ideation process.

3. Film and Animation: AI-powered tools are being used to create concept art, storyboards, and even entire animation sequences, reducing production costs and time-to-market. Experts predict that by 2030, at least 90% of a major blockbuster film will be AI-generated. (Gartner, Fortune)

Ethical Considerations in AI Art

As with any disruptive technology, the rise of AI art has sparked debates around ethical implications:

1. Intellectual Property and Copyright: The ownership of AI-generated artwork remains contentious, with ongoing discussions about legal frameworks and attribution. 89% of artists worry that copyright laws are outdated, and 73% want to be asked for permission before their artwork is used to train algorithms. (Book An Artist, LAION)

2. Bias and Representation: AI models can perpetuate biases present in their training data, potentially leading to skewed representations or reinforcement of harmful stereotypes.

3. Human Artist Displacement: 55% of artists worry that AI art will hinder their ability to generate income, fearing that original art will be replaced by AI-generated prints and designs. (Book An Artist)

The Future of AI Art

Despite the challenges, the future of AI art holds immense promise. As AI models become more advanced and accessible, we can expect to witness a surge in creative collaborations between humans and machines. AI art tools may serve as powerful creative assistants, augmenting human creativity rather than replacing it entirely. The highest-valued piece of AI art ever sold traditionally fetched $432,000 at Christie's, while the highest-valued AI-generated NFTs sold for a staggering $1.1 million, showcasing the immense potential and value of this emerging art form. (Christie's, AI Plus Info, iNews, BeInCrypto)


AI art represents a paradigm shift in the creative realm, offering boundless possibilities for artistic expression and innovation. The key statistics surrounding AI art, its transformative influence on the industry, and the profound impact it's leaving on its creators sheds light on the potential of AI moving forward. As this technology continues to evolve, it is crucial to navigate the ethical considerations thoughtfully while embracing the transformative potential of AI-powered creativity. By harnessing the power of AI art responsibly and fostering collaborations between humans and machines, we can unlock new horizons of artistic exploration and push the boundaries of what is possible in the visual arts.

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If you'd like to know more you can head over to for a curated collection of today's most popular, most liked AI artwork from across the internet. Plus explore an extensive array of AI tools, complemented by comprehensive guides and reviews, on our AI blog.



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